Alan LeStourgeon here and my wife Jean and I love to travel and enjoy staying in nice vacation rentals, but also enjoy camping and roughing it up a bit. The Vacation Rentals Blog is about beautiful places to stay around the United States, some of our adventures and just plain having fun on your vacation while exploring some of the natural wonders of this country.

Some of our favorite places to visit are the Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge area of the Smoky Mountains where we spent our honeymoon, Blue Ridge Georgia, Grayton Beach Florida, Acadia National Park and camping around the State Parks of Florida.

We prefer outdoor type vacations in the National Parks, especially the Grand Canyon, beaches and mountains as opposed to the theme park, commercialized vacations and grand shopping adventures. While it is great to enjoy the downtown areas of many of the places we visit we prefer a more country type atmosphere and walking along a trail to get out our jollies.

Thanks for visiting the Vacation Rentals Blog and we hope you find some information that helps you decide where to enjoy your next vacation adventure.

3 Responses to “About”

  1. Dan Weisman says:

    Hi Alan and Jean,

    Love your site. I am the blog editor over at We also write about travel and vacation rentals. I was wondering if you would be interested in a blog exchange – we’re always looking for traveler’s voices on the FlipKey blog. We would be happy to contribute to your blog as well.

    Please let me know what you think! You can reach me by email at

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    Dan Weisman

  2. Goozle says:

    Cease and Desist Notice

    You are using my copyrighted image

    without my permission.

    In fact, most of the photos you are using are copyright protected.

    You need to learn to respect private property rights.

    Are you prepared to share some of your profits with me? If not, stop using my photo immediately.

  3. Alan says:

    Care to send me the exact url where you claim I have copied your image? I can’t find it anywhere on my site.

    In fact, when I do a TinEye search on that image, it doesn’t show that it have been copied anywhere:



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